Continuing with the Old and In with the New

 I have some updates from my project last semester.  Over the winter break I was able to continue work on the atmospheric profiling system. I first wired the system and developed the code.

I then designed a PCB based on the prototype and send the design off to get it printed (ridiculously easy and cheap now a days).

Then finally solder all the components together.

All in all a fairly productive winter break.  We will have a test launch on 19 February and hopefully everything will work smoothly for the launch on 27 March.While I will continue on with the ASCEND project, this will not be my research for TRAIN this semester.  

For the spring 2021 semester I will be working on a project with Prof. Joel Nishimura from ASU West centered on building a mathematical model to explore the impact of distance between the giver and receiver as well as levels of altruism to charitable giving.  

We conceptualize the trade-off between local and distant giving as a question about a person's radius of concern, wherein the size of this radius determines how many people a person considers to give charitably to. From this perspective, we consider the question: how does charitable giving depend on this radius, and what radius maximizes charitable giving?

I am excited about this project and look forward to sharing the journey and joys of research in the field of applied mathematics.
what radius maximizes charitable giving?


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