Launch Time!

 I am a week behind as the security breach pushed us back a week and people have been asking...... What happened with the launch?


And since it has been a week and a half since the launch I can share some of the lab work I did after the launch.  

As for the moment you all have been waiting for.....

Unfortunately, some of the systems on the payload had some issues, but some team member did a great job to recover the video and you can find the whole flight here:

Thankfully, the atmospheric profiling system and the biological experiment all went smoothly.  The only issue being that the GPS antenna may have been disconnected during some last minute adjustments to the interior of the payload, but I was able to get the raw data from the radio transponder and parse it for analysis.  Speaking of analysis, here are some fun graphs....

All looks good and makes sense and I have a wealth of raw data points in a very usable CSV format so the system worked just as expected.  I think I will save the lab work for next week's blog as I still have a bit of analysis to do on the results.


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